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But stories like this one, in Gizmodo last week, suggest that the popular and inexpensive line of voice-activated speakers pose a threat to user privacy. The writer argues that devices like the Amazon Echo and Google Home contain microphones that are "always on" and sending volumes of data back to their parent companies. These speakers might also make it possible for hackers and law enforcement authorities to drop a secret wiretap into your living room, the article says. The American Civil Liberties Union agrees, inveighing against the Echo and other connected speakers. Boing Boing’s Cory Doctorow writes that they “normalize surveillance.” Even InfoWars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones got into the act last week, interrogating an Echo on his show with hilarious earnestness. “Alexa, do you work for the CIA?... Alexa, you are lying to me!... Alexa, who is Jeff Bezos?” Now, I don’t mean to defend these companies as much as to rationalize my own enthusiasm for these devices. But all these concerns seem a bit overheated. If the companies are telling the truth about how they operate—and lying about it would draw ire from both government regulators and customers—the privacy threat is not as big of a problem as it might appear.